Route details
It is in the village “La Pierre”, at the exit of Crédin, that the Couëdic woods are nestled. Crédin, a small town which depended on the lordship of Rohan until the French Revolution of 1789, offers a pretty grove for nature lovers.
07. Couëdic wood circuit
Distance:4,5 km
Your itinerary
Step 1
The church of Crédin, built in 1902 on the site of the original church from the 16th and 17th centuries, can be recognized from afar by its slender appearance. In front of the building, a statue of a poilu was erected in tribute to the victims of the First World War. Resistance has marked the history of Crédin. This is evidenced by the name given to the street in the direction of the Couëdic woods where the resistance fighters came to hide.
Step 2
The Couëdic wood was part of the domain of the Couëdic castle, dating
from 1747, and built by the Le Moyne de Talhouët family. This noble house was
the successive property of several large families. Multiple paths
criss-cross the grove, notably the remarkable avenue called “the avenue of
beeches”. Within the grove, don't be surprised to find what we call
“the clearing” where a metal structure is installed on a promontory. at this location, traders came to meet every year, on July 14,
to share a moment of festivity.
Step 3
This ordeal, of the “mission cross” type, seems disproportionate and can only help us
question. The granite base in the shape of an altar represents Jesus, Lamb of God.
and undoubtedly comes from the ancient church. An inscription reads “mission
1945 Simper and Ubique Fidelis”. Initially located in the town of Crédin, it was
resettled in 1945 on the edge of the Couëdic woods.
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